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October 12 - the Day of Hispanidad

Date & time:

October 12, 1492 Christopher Columbus, leading a Spanish expedition, landed on the island of Huanuni, in the archipelago of the Bahamas, starting a cultural bridge between the peoples of America and Spain, which remains until today. The Spaniards consider this day, the so-called birthday of the community of Spanish-speaking peoples.

In Spain this holiday is twofold. The discovery of Columbus has happened just in the day of the feast of the virgin Pilar – one of the most revered and loved in Catholic Spain, the older generation feels about this holiday — they love it more than my own birthday.

The Spaniards on this day people celebrate the Fiesta de Pilar. Everywhere are various theatrical, musical and dance events. Through the streets carrying giant dolls in the images of literary heroes and famous personalities. Variety of outfits, rousing fun and bright fireworks beckon the feast, not only locals but thousands of tourists.
October 12 – public holiday is a public holiday throughout the country.


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